Tag Archives: Tucker Carlson

Why I write and who I am

15 Mar

My name is James Isaac Jouppi, but I usually go by Jim. I’m 73 years old. I started writing when something happened in my life which no one else understood, or at least I felt that way. I was twenty-five at the time, and I wrote all day and sometimes all night for a week or two.

People were saying I was crazy or that I should start acting like an adult. It all had to do with the Vietnam War, but I was never in Vietnam. So I self-published a book last year, and now I have to promote it. I don’t actually have to promote it, but I paid for a book promotion, and now, as part of their promotion, they need to know my social media tags. So I signed up for word press and got a tag which is just JimJouppi.com. So come and tag me and maybe I’ll give you a book. Or even better, just go to Amazon and buy the book by James I. Jouppi.

So why would anyone want a book about Vietnam which is written by someone who was never even there? And why would anyone think I have anything to say, especially since we’ve gone through at least three wars since then and are rapidly getting sucked into another? And how can people go through their normal routines as if nothing is amiss when Ukraine is being leveled? Well, what else can we do? Send money to help the refugees? Pray for them? .

Anyway, I started this blog, and I’ll write more about the trials of a self-published author and even about the Peace Corps. And the CIA. Not so much about current politics except to say that I watched Tucker Carlson last night, and he was talking about Tulsa Gabbert and how the pundits are saying they’re both treasonous just because they’re trying to tell the truth. And he made some sense. He’s supposed to be a jerk, but he made sense. So that’s as political as I want to be right now.
